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New net neutrality piece!

Behold my take on net neutrality, illustrated by the awesome Ian Akin!

(I have Dan Burr working on a piece on Obamacare, but that will take a while.)

Quote of the day

FDR, who could have been talking about QE, in his first inaugural:

“Faced by failure of credit they [bankers] have proposed only the lending of more money.”

Awesome video summing up the mess we’re in

I come across very few things that make me jealous in an “I should totally have done that” way. This is one of them: a video from someone who goes under the nom de guerre of Haiku Charlatan that nails what’s wrong with our economy. Like, why did I bother writing an entire book, […]

China Has Been the World’s Biggest Economy For a While

The Financial Times has a piece on how the Chinese economy is poised to take over the mantle of “world’s biggest economy” this year, which is earlier than previous estimates.

But China has been the world’s biggest economy since 2010. You can read about it in a post of mine from a couple of […]

Wink books is doing God’s work

My incessant Googling of my own name recently turned up a review of Economix at Wink Books. It’s been a while since I mentioned a review (although I keep this page updated), and I’m not writing about the review itself now. Point being, I wound up reading their other reviews; it turned out that […]

Neil DeGrasse Tyson on gender and race in science, transcribed

There’s a video making the rounds where Neil DeGrasse Tyson talks about the gender and racial disparity in race and science. It’s a great talk and I thought I’d transcribe it for the video-impaired.

It’s worth pointing out that this was a response to a question that in turn was prompted by Larry Summers […]

On a panel in (or near) Boston!

Boston folk:

I’m on a panel on Monday, 12:30 to 2, at North Shore Community College in Danvers (Room 105 in the HPSS building).

Come and hear me pontificate! The campus map is here: http://www.northshore.edu/safety/pdf/Danvers_Map.pdf.

A comic about Obamacare

I’ve already talked about my (overwhelmingly positive) experience with Obamacare in two blog posts here and here. But one Jen Sorensen, a freelance cartoonist in Texas, did the same thing in comics! It’s available here.

A sample:


Quote of the day

“Each man has his own individual right to do as he pleases, but businessmen have no influence over voting. If they did it would be the downfall of the nation.” —R.K. Mellon, businessman, quoted in Burton Hersh, The Mellon Family, p368.

He was exaggerating, of course, but it wasn’t completely implausible when he said […]

Joseph Stiglitz comes out against the TPP

So, a week or so ago one of my favorite living economists, Paul Krugman, posted a piece on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He wasn’t for it, exactly, but he thought it just wasn’t that important. I disagreed, to put it mildly.

But yesterday, one of my other favorite living economists, Joseph Stiglitz, came out swinging […]