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Awesome video summing up the mess we’re in

I come across very few things that make me jealous in an “I should totally have done that” way. This is one of them: a video from someone who goes under the nom de guerre of Haiku Charlatan that nails what’s wrong with our economy. Like, why did I bother writing an entire book, dammit?

It’s here. You should watch it. http://youtu.be/6zsXUDQXKuQ 

There are even Keynes quotes I hadn’t come across before. Seriously, my eyes are little hearts right now.

I’ve started looking at the creator’s other stuff; my favorite line so far:

“What about our job creators”?

“You mean the misunderstood superheroes of capitalism that are just ten million dollars away from sleeping under the nearest bridge unless they get further tax cuts?  Or those on Wall Street, who haven’t had a hit of cocaine in weeks, because Big Bird still teaches children to read?”

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