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On the Gweek podcast

Mark Frauenfelder of BoingBoing runs a podcast called Gweek, where people talk about their favorite media, devices, and suchlike. He was kind enough to include me on one with the author Scott Stigler; we recorded it yesterday and it’s already up!

Listen to us talk about zombie jugheads here: http://boingboing.net/2014/03/04/gweek-podcast-136-zombie-jugh.html

Who’s negotiating our trade agreements?

The Washington Post has a nifty interactive infographic that shows who sits on the committees that advise the administration on trade negotiations. And although nobody can accuse me of being a pollyanna about the influence of business on trade agreements, even I was a bit stunned by just how corporate-heavy the committees are.

It’s […]

My Obamacare nightmare, concluded

I posted a while back about my experience with Obamacare. To recap:

I was informed that my existing insurance plan (for which I was paying $7100 per year) would no longer operate; I was offered other plans that looked to be better value for money.

I ended that post with:

So yes, Obamacare is […]

Why Antitrust Still Matters

I was gratified, and surprised, by T-Mobile’s announcement a year or so ago that they were planning to offer the sort of plan a consumer would actually want: Cheap, you’re not forced to stay for two years, you don’t keep paying for the same phone forever, you don’t pay fees for going over your […]

A comic on the Trans-Pacific Partnership!

So, Dan and I have been working on a piece explaining the Trans-Pacific Partnership for a while–it’s a tangled subject–and it’s finally done!

Check it out here.

Tom Coburn needs to read Dilbert

So, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) has decided to stop bashing Healthcare.gov. “It will eventually work and work well,” he said.

But Coburn warned that the law would still have problems, thanks to the “centralized management” of the federal government, which is “inefficient, most of the time ineffective, oftentimes complicated by fraud or incompetence.”

All […]

How to get even more depressed, vol CLXXVII

So there’s a new analysis of the Easter Island story.

The old one: Polynesians showed up on this small, isolated island, used up all the trees, and the economy collapsed while people futilely built giant heads to make the collapse stop. They were reduced to a wretched remnant by the time Europeans showed up.


Free Sample on Open Culture.

Open Culture is an awesome website that I’ve been frequenting ever since I found out about it. It’s devoted to bringing together all of the interesting, free things on the internet that you’d never find otherwise. So, younger readers, it’s like a cat video site, but it’s not all videos, and the videos are […]

Ooh, this is delicious.

Salon has an article by the awesome Alex Pareene about the decline of the Heritage Foundation, which has gone from a semi-sane, practical conservative think tank (the one that invented Obamacare) to a right-wing nutjob one (the one that puts billboards on Times Square warning against the horrors of Obamacare).

Apparently, this shift has […]

What the framers of the Constitution actually said about the filibuster, repeated

So, seeing the apoplectic outrage of the right wing about losing the filibuster in certain limited situations (an overdue rap on the knuckles considering how the filibuster has been abused in recent years), I thought I’d repeat something from a post I made two years ago during the first bullshit debt limit crisis. That […]