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Great review on BoingBoing!

Mark Frauenfelder on BoingBoing reviewed Economix; it’s titled “Economix: Terrific Cartoon History of Economics.” So, he liked it.

It’s an in-depth, thoughtful review, so you should all read it, but here are some highlights:

“Dan E. Burr’s appealing illustrations add punch, humor, and clarity to Goodwin’s already-excellent storytelling skills.”

“Economics books usually bore me, but in the hands of Goodwin and Burr, the subject was engrossing (and like Gonick, often funny). Light switches flicked on in my mind every few pages or so, and after reading Economix I felt like I understood many fundamental aspects about the way the world works that I had been too lazy to learn about before.”

“Economix is a book I’m going to buy and give to people.”

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