I am very proud I translated your Economix into French: it is such a great and interesting book to discover and understand economics.I recommend its reading to all my friends and relative and they all like it a lot.
Thank you for giving me a way to understand something I hadn’t able to understand until Economix.
Congratulations to Dan E. Burr too for the very clear and suggestive way his drawing supports your work.
Great to hear from you! Glad you enjoyed working on the book. Even with my high-school French I can tell that you did a great job. And the reviews in France agree (although they unfairly give me all the credit).
Dear Michael Goodwin,
I am very proud I translated your Economix into French: it is such a great and interesting book to discover and understand economics.I recommend its reading to all my friends and relative and they all like it a lot.
Thank you for giving me a way to understand something I hadn’t able to understand until Economix.
Congratulations to Dan E. Burr too for the very clear and suggestive way his drawing supports your work.
Sincerely yours.
Hello Helene,
Great to hear from you! Glad you enjoyed working on the book. Even with my high-school French I can tell that you did a great job. And the reviews in France agree (although they unfairly give me all the credit).