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One week only–$0.99 on iTunes!

You read that right: for one week only, iTunes has a promotional offer: ninety-nine  cents for Economix on the iPad!

It’s here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/economix/id552899192?mt=11

At these prices, you can’t afford *not* to learn about the economy!

3 comments to One week only–$0.99 on iTunes!

  • Oliver

    After 10 years studing economics at Universities, I’ve found your book a fantastic and true summary.

    If you wan’t to change the system, I may suggest to give away pages 267 to 277 for free. Now. Before the elections.
    And further, If financial possible for you, the full book for free as a PDF version. If so, I’ll offer my help to translate the book into German. For free.

    • Hi Oliver,

      Thanks for the kind words! As far as giving parts away free goes, you’d have to talk to my publisher, though–it’s not the sort of decision I can make.

  • Chris

    Hi Mike

    Can you put something out on the “Fiscal Cliff”, FOX News is making it sound like Armageddon. oh and still no love from your publisher downunder.

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