Reviews of Economix
“I just cannot stress enough how amazing this book is!”
—James Floyd Kelly,
“Teaches everything you should have learned in college about economics.”
—Kenneth Rogoff, professor of economics and public policy at Harvard and former Chief Economist of the IMF
“It’s simply phenomenal. You could read ten books on the subject and not glean as much information.”
— From the foreword by David Bach, author of Debt Free For Life and The Automatic Millionaire
“Goodwin has done the seemingly impossible–he has made economics comprehensible and funny.”
— From the introduction by Joel Bakan, author of The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
“Economix is a lively, cheerfully opinionated romp through the historical and intellectual foundations of our current economy and our current economic problems. Goodwin has a knack for distilling complex ideas and events in ways that invite the reader to follow the big picture without losing track of what actually happened. Any reader wondering how our economy got to where it is today will find this a refreshing overview.”
–Timothy W. Guinnane, Philip Golden Bartlett Professor of Economic History, Yale University
“It may seem strange to adopt such a serious tone to talk about a comic book. . . . But Economix is just that: a book that takes seriously the discussion about the fundamental concepts and ideas of economics, placing them in their historical and doctrinal context, in a way accessible to most readers, making it very clear that the story told here reflects the author’s convictions (which we don’t have to agree with in order to appreciate). However, it has an even greater advantage compared to the generality of introductory economics books: it is tremendously fun. . . . I have never before imagined recommending a comic book to anyone who wants to learn a little about this science that someone once called “dismal”. Michael Goodwin does us a favor by helping us to take the economics out of the shadows.”
–Ricardo Paes Mamede, deputy director of the Department of Political Economy at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon
“This book can lend a correct history of economics as a treasury of knowledge as well as adventure and detective backward in reality.”
—Tomas Sedlacek, chief economic strategist at Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka, former member of the National Economic Council of the Czech Republic. Via Google Translate from Czech.
“Dan E. Burr’s appealing illustrations add punch, humor, and clarity to Goodwin’s already-excellent storytelling skills. . . . Light switches flicked on in my mind every few pages or so, and after reading Economix I felt like I understood many fundamental aspects about the way the world works. . . . Economix is a book I’m going to buy and give to people.”
—Mark Frauenfelder, BoingBoing
“Michael Goodwin hasn’t just written a great graphic novel — he’s written one that should be required for every school, newsroom and library in the United States.”
—Andrew Smith, Scripps-Howard news service
“By the end of the reading, there is no doubt about how the book became an international bestseller.”
—Sivan Klingbail, Haaretz
“Economix eliminates stupidity in the face of economics-speak. . . . You’ll come away from Economix with a slew of newly understood concepts, from mixed economy to stagflation, but the most important thing you’ll come away with is a newfound confidence in your ability to understand how the economic world works for and often against us. . . . Just when the world seems to have fallen apart thanks to the economy, Goodwin and Burr’s Economix comes along to give us some understanding of the immense, yet still “delicate machine” that controls our world so that we can be the rulers with our votes and not the uninformed (or disinformed) ruled.”
—Bob Duggan,
“An amazing lesson in true-world economics. Delightfully presented, powerful, insightful, and important information. What a fun way to fathom a deep and often dark subject ”
— John Perkins, author of Hoodwinked and the New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
“Smart, insightful, clear, and as close to the truth as economics can get. The bonus: who could have guessed that economics could be fun and—here’s the joy—really accessible? Goodwin roots us in history and fills us with common-sense understanding. If I were compiling a list of the one hundred most important books you can read in a lifetime, this would be on it.”
— Stephen Petranek, editor-in-chief of the Weider History Group, former editor-in-chief of Discover magazine.
“Through a potent mix of comics and punchy, concise, accessible prose, Goodwin takes us on a provocative, exhaustively researched, and exceedingly engaging trip through our history and present day. . . . If your mind either spins or slumbers at the thought of economics, read Goodwin’s Economix and all will become clear.”
–Nomi Prins, author of It Takes a Pillage: An Epic Tale of Power, Deceit, and Untold Trillions
“Not a good book, but a terrific book.”
—Nguyen Quang Lap
“A lively and enjoyable book!”
—Noel Murray, AV Club (Also on their top 10 list for 2012)
“An indispensable work.”
—Nicolas Galita, Medium (on a list of “10 books to read before you die.”)
“Goodwin brilliantly contextualizes economic theories with historical narrative, while Burr’s simple but elegant illustration employs classical techniques like caricaturing politicians and symbolizing big businesses (as a gleeful factory) to help the reader visualize difficult concepts. If the book has a prime message, it’s that the economy is quite understandable and when things go wrong, the effort and thinking of a whole society must be applied to bring everything back into line.”
—Publisher’s Weekly (starred review!)
“Brings a lively visual sensibility to this intensely abstruse subject matter without condescending to the reader or dumbing the ideas down.”
—Tim J. Luddy, Mother Jones
“Proof that one can make difficult concepts intelligible without the encumbrance of mathematics!”
—Phillipe Arnaud, Le Monde (translated from French)
“Comprehensive and authoritative, but at the same time light and brilliant. Do not miss.”
—Martino de Mori, Panorama magazine (Italian, bold in original).
“Keynes, Friedman, and Hayek battle it out panel by panel. You’ll never think of economics as the ‘dismal’ science again!”
—Andrew Leonard, staff writer for
“This witty and elegant volume takes on a number of complex issues — in this case, economics, history and finance — and makes them comprehensible for mere mortals. Burr’s illustrations are clear and sharp, ably complementing Goodwin’s narrative. If you want to gain a better perspective on our ongoing monetary tribulations, you could do far worse than turning to this dense but highly enjoyable book.”
—Richard Pachter, the Miami Herald.
“A surprisingly entertaining use of the graphic novel format for education in a sometimes tricky but always important field!”
—Matthew Feeney, Reason magazine
“Economix is a must have for all academic, public, and high school libraries and should be required reading for all of voting age!”
—Martha Cornog and Steve Raiteri, Library Journal
“Un tour de force!”
—Les Échos (a French financial journal)
“Warning: If at first glance it seems simple, even simplistic, that’s because the author . . . surely spent a lot of time extracting the marrow of microeconomic and microeconomic matters.”
—Claude Vincent, Les Échos (they liked it so much, they reviewed it twice!)
“An astonishingly clear and precise history.”
—Vincent Brancher, Investir (not online, sorry).
“As a professional economist, I was amazed by the author’s broad knowledge.”
—Nha Nam Kinh Te
” The economist Rudolf Hickel vehemently demands to include Economix in the university libraries and reading lists economics faculties. That would be a start.” (Google Translate, German to English)
—Josephine Schultz, Der Freitag
“Michael Goodwin meets the challenge brilliantly. . . . Any student’s dream!”
—Robert Jules, La Tribune (Another French financial journal; the article is behind a paywall but reprinted here)
“[A]t once clear and simple.”
—Thomas Hedges,
“Educational and exciting!”
—Christian Chavagneux, Alternatives Economiques
“Entirely remarkable.”
—Etienne Chouard (Translated from French, around the 5:00 mark)
“A light in the fog of things economic.” [Translated from French]
—Sébastien Rochard, Le Courrier de L’ouest
“Reaches the heights of its predecessors [Understanding Comics and Logicomix]”
—Julien Bisson, Lire [Google translate from French]
“The best book on economics in the world.”
—Ellen Ijzerman, Hebban [Google translate from Dutch]
“[H]ighly informative, outstandingly explained, and immensely entertaining.” [via Google translate]
—Valeria Heintges, Tagblatt
“Brilliant and innovative.”
—Libero Quotidiano
“One of the best nonfiction books I have ever read.”
—Stergios Botzakis, Graphic Novel Resources
“Economix is essential reading for our democracy.”
—Johanna Draper Carlson,
“Full of humor, but respectful of ideas . . . fascinating!”
—Jérome Anciberro, La Vie
“Best nonfiction of 2012!” (One on a list of five, that is).
—The Everett Herald
“Goodwin explains it all, and the illustrations are like the spoonful of sugar that makes the economic theory go down smooth. Informative and fun.”
—Brian Gresko,
“Economix must be in all hands!”
—Ianik Marcil, Librarie Raffin
“As unlikely as it may seem, one begins to get excited about the economy.” [Google Translate from French]
“Thankfully Michael Goodwin saw the need for a basic primary on how the economy currently works and how we got here. Better, he decided to really make it easy to follow thanks to using the comic format, hence the graphic novel Economix.”
—Robert Greenberger,
“Don’t take this comic lightly. Michael Goodwin and Dan Burr’s 350 pages will tell you more about the world economy than many reference books.”
—Le Revenu
“The most successful economic popularization to date.”
—Librarie Gallimard de Montreal
“A book of public utility.”
—Kenza Sefrioui, Economia
“Yes, it is a comic, with irony and humor; entertainment and even fun are among its objectives. But it is not a joke. The analysis is as serious and rigorous as an economic treatise”
Javier Matesanz, Domestica tu Economía
“To be put in all hands; an enriching entertainment.”
—Hugo, Le Petit Moderne
“An impressive work of nonfiction in graphic form.”
—Nick Smith, ICV2
“It would be true to say that Economix is one of the best comics I have ever read, but I think it’s worth going further. It is one of the best books I have ever read.”
—Joshua Drummond, Mark 1 Books
“A most excellent and easy to follow lesson.”
—Stefanie Hollmichel, So Many Books
“Funny, entertaining, exciting, yet scientifically sound!”
—Andreas Brettermeier, Critica (translated from German)
“Very interesting and keeps unabated the reader’s attention. . . . Economix is a useful and entertaining manual for the functions of the economy.” [Greek, via Google Translate and common sense]
Giannis Koukoulas, Efsyn
“A rigorous work that doesn’t lack humor!”
Antoine Desprez, VousNousIls
“Combining comics with clear text and plenty of humor, this graphic novel transforms the “dismal science” of the economy into an amusing history accessible to everyone. . . . Economix is indispensable in all libraries.”
—Omri Ezrati, Al Bayane (translated from French)
Best graphic novel of 2012.
—Brett Schenker, Graphic Policy
“One of the larger literary surprises of my life. . . . Honestly, I can’t believe how captivating a book has been crafted about what most of us would agree is one of the dullest subjects on the planet, but that’s what we have here. This is a title that belongs in high school classrooms, college course lists, and on nightstands around the world.”
—Colleen Mondor, Bookslut.
“Where to turn? Thankfully there’s a new book out that everyone in America should read. . . . It’s unlike anything you’ve read before.”
—Chris Marshall, Collected Comics Library.
“In Economix Michael Goodwin (author) and Dan E. Burr (illustrator) provide most of us a much deeper understanding of economic theory and practice. They debunk the slogans that make up what most of us know about these things. And they offer practical lessons about what is going on in our country today.”
—Richard Smaby, The Pierce Progressive
“A tour de force crash course!”
—Sean Patrick Hill, LEO Weekly
“[words of praise]” (That’s all I know–it’s a description of a video I can’t translate.)
—Franziska Augstein, Süddeutsche Zeitung
“An exciting journey through economic history!”
—Dorit Kristine Arndt, MDR Figaro (German radio)
“Capable of seducing both neophytes and scholars.”
—Rudy le Cours, La Presse (Canada)
“A blessed performance” [Google translate from French; “blessed” was the tamest alternative for “sacrée”]
—Stéphanie Loignon, Le Parisien
“Both original and a little exotic!”
—Florent Latrive, Liberation (In French and behind a paywall. Take my word for it).
“Together with the illustrator Dan E. Burr Goodwin is a work succeeded the joy awakens in economic illiterates on the tray.” (Google Translate, German to English again).
—Nicola Mohler, Schweitzer Radio und Fernsehen
“Style, wit, clarity, and remarkable concision!”
—Sam Enthoven, Trapped by Monsters
“It’s amazing how comprehensive this graphic tutorial is!”
—Carla Sinclair, Wink Books
“It’s an introduction to the economy and at the same time a protest letter against the exploitation of people and the environment.”
—Florian Weissman, Tiroler Tageszeitung
“To be frank, it’s a book that deserves the adjective ‘monumental.'”
—Jayson Coomer, Rolling Alpha.
“I would recommend it. But certainly not that it should be the only book that he should read one of economics. On the contrary, it should rather be a springboard to other economic readings of works or a more detailed study of historical context.” (High praise from a libertarian, and I agree–it shouldn’t be the only book.)
—Marek Numerato, Laissez-Faire (Czech via Google Translate)
“Popularized with a lot of scholarship, funny, and above all, accessible to everyone.”
—Sébastien Bétrisey, Iconomix
“One of the most interesting readings of recent times.”
—Cristina Alves, Rascunhos
“It seems that no one has yet written about the economy more clearly and intelligibly.”
“Purchase this book and you’ll understand all other purchases.”
—Risto Mejide (Spanish, via Google Translate)
“A monumental work that lets you jump right in to what’s important in the history of economics.”
—Leopoldo Abadía (Spanish, via Google Translate)
“Economix is more than a comic. It’s a book for all ages, where the history of the economy, as well as the most recent crisis, are realized in a simple, enjoyable, and fun form.”
—Fernando Trías de Bes (Spanish, via Google Translate)
“I have never read a book on economics, whether written by a professional or a novice, which is as lucid and engaging as the book that Michael Goodwin has written.”
—Andrew Law, Real Change
“Makes the dismal science much less dismal.”
—Jim Higgins, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“[T]his is not a book about people and their theories (though it requires much of the reader at this level), but about how economics, politics and society have been related throughout contemporary history, with the great merit of considering the world as whole, and not being afraid to call things by their proper names.”
—João Ramalho-Santos, As Sequências Rebeldes
“The approach is risky but comes through with flying colors!”
— [French, via Google Translate and Mrs. Lorenzo’s class]
“The challenge was indeed immense, but the result was clearly more than successful!”
—Aude, Culture Remains
“Exhilirating!” (According to Google Translate)
—Bernard Marx, Regards
“In 2-3 pages maximum, Economix humorously summarizes a concept, a character, an important development, a reference book. . . . It all reads quite easily, although some passages deserve to be reread several times to be better assimilated.” —Calamar Magazine
“Brilliantly informative . . . a way to get that crucial understanding of economic issues which have an effect on our daily life and world.”
—Penny, Capethicalism
“It’s a book that should go on the bookshelves of every voter (which, in a perfect world, would be every American adult), Democrat or Republican, as we gear up for an the brutal 2012 election.”
—Christopher Irving, The Drawn Word.
“Maybe it’s the lack of fully formed ears and nose, or maybe just the soulless beady eyes floating in Goodwin’s glasses that creep me out.”
—Christopher Irving, The Drawn Word.
“An understandable and useful introduction to the field.”
—Jean-Paul Keulen, Kijk Magazine (also one of his best books of 2016, which is when the Dutch translation came out.)
“Lively and accessible . . . Encourages readers to become informed citizens and see themselves as people who can work for change.”
—Jennifer Buehler, Readwritethink (podcast)
“This is a must read for anyone interested in the current state of American politics as it applies to the world economy, but also for anyone interested in learning how comics can be used as an educational tool.”
—Tim R,
“Economix is about as detailed and funny and thoughtful a look at economics as anyone could have hoped for.”
—Andrew Wheeler, Antick Musings
“The tons of praise on the back cover does not lie: Economix is indeed an essential book, a brilliant exercise in synthesis allowing the everyman to understand crises and booms.”
—Benoît Cassel, Planete BD
“Everything is just done as much as possible – every thesis and moment is accompanied by a picture.”
–Valery Grachikov,
“Do not be afraid of a boring story or school nightmares. It’s honestly a super funny, handy eye-opener.”
—Striptip (Dutch)
“Shows again how well the comic form is suited to making demanding and dry matters vividly entertaining and understandable.”
—Andreas Völlinger, Comicgate
“A remarkable comic that we recommend to everyone.”
—Lionel Mestre, Ecovolve
“Economix is a winner.”
—Katie Macbride, Book Riot
“Economix is like a conversation with a friend.”
“Highly recommended for beginners, but surprising even for those who define themselves as experts.”
—Cristina Torres, Republica
“Absolutely captivating”
—Gisèle Tremblay, Bibliothèque et Archives Nationale du Québec
“This might be the kind of book that is a godsend if you’re stupid and can’t focus.”
—Nick Gazin, who is a very very smart man, Vice
“This work has a place in every library and classroom.”
—Emma Weiler, No Flying No Tights
“A successful entry into the world of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes.”
—n-tv (via Google Translate)
“This is the clearest book I’ve read on economic theory and economic history.”
—Jeanne Emard
“I have found far more compelling reasons to teach economics from reading this book.”
—Connor Dolson, Richmond Flipped Teachers
“It’s by far the best book I’ve ever read on how the U.S. economy works.”
—Lindsay Goldwert, Spent
“In these times of regularly-scheduled, hyper-partisan economic crises, this graphic novel is an invaluable source of information for anybody who wants to learn what all these economic terms and principles actually mean.”
—Bobby Cooper, Geeks of Doom
“The witness with each image, the ingenious considerations an accomplished draftsman . The clothes the abundant erudition of the author in short sentences, without curtailing the complexity of the issue . The thus mediates its cleverly designed pages on each accumulated knowledge while entertaining, witty, remains REGSAM – ie : the thinking, questioning and learning for the pure , serene joy – in other words: does the things right! (Seriously, Google Translate is terrible at German to English)
—Sacha Rufer, umweltnetz-schweitz
“Clear, concise, and entertaining.”
—Brian Hampel, The Collegian
“An intellectual tour de force.”
“An invaluable perspective on “how the heck did we get here?”
—Bill Seligman, Argothald
“A comic masterpiece.”
—Radevan Kolbaba, Vaseliteratura
“Absolutely to be read.”
—Sarah Sabry, Yomoni
“The Graphic Novel in black and white is the ideal beginner’s guide for prospective economy.”
—Freie Presse, October 11, 2013 (via Google Translate, no link).
“Witty, ironic, and really instructive.”
Michaela Ernst, Profil
“Treats the turns of economic history and the great classical authors with a lot of humor–and with rigor.”
“A fantastic way to learn about economics.” [Bolding in original]
—Timothy Knight, author of Panic, Prosperity and Progress, Slope of Hope
“Economix successful beyond all expectations. . . . Complex subject has been of humor and a clear illustration thanks to fast to read and understand!”
—Olli Tietäväinen, (Finnish, via Google Translate)
“One of the best books I have read in recent years. This work should be required reading in every school”
—Oliver Alexander Kellner, Simlawsin (German, from Google Translate, which actually did a good job here.)
“I devoured this book.”
—Sirtin (French)
—Jean-Nicholas Schoesser, Culturopoing
“Gives clear information and is simultaneously laughing!” (German, via Google Translate).
Weisbadener Kurier, December 12, 2013 (no link)
“Entertaining and informative!”
—Kronenzeitung (Austrian, no link).
“Pretty amazing!”
—Paul Landry, Crossover Comics
“Economix works far better than our economy.”
—Christian Gasser, 041 (Swiss, no link).
“Informative and engrossing.”
—Josh Rector, Nothing But Comics
“Where have failed dozens of treatises pseudo-informative (often effective only until the appearance of the first equation), may perhaps succeed an original graphic novel.”
—Modeo Sandro, Archivo Storico (Italian, via Google Translate)
“Economix is made also in the border areas with expertise. . . . As an instructive, enjoyable and provocative towards the end of entry into the world of economics Economix is always recommended, not only for students.” (Google Translate from German).
—Phillip Wolter, WSI Mitteilungen
“As reliable as a textbook but barrier-free understandable.” (Google Translate)
–Christian Eger, Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (no link)
“Takes the reader on an incredibly rich journey.”
—La Revue Dessinée (Not online).
“This book provides a whirlwind tour of the ‘dismal science’ that’s anything but.”
Brigid Alverson, School Library Journal.
“So presented economic history, with the history of economic ideas and the history of economic policy, it becomes a good approximation of reality.” (Italian, Google Translate)
—Pier Luigi Fagan
“I don’t know how to encourage you to read this enough. For pleasure, for curiosity, for a desire to understand how the world works.”
—La Biblio de Gaby
“Slave traders drool and have hares.”
Simone Danne, Auchcomm. (She liked it, I just can’t resist the occasional gem from Google Translate).
“ECONOMIX is a must-have book for any bookshelf!”
—Ilira Misilriadi, (Greek, kindly translated by Constantine Daskalakis).
“Economix is a tool for forging the citizens of tomorrow.”
Sebastian Fath
“Economics was never my favorite subject but I absolutely loved this graphic novel! . . . I’d give this to anyone looking for an entertaining nonfiction comic or anyone seeking to understand the economy better.”
—Erica Bretail, Auld School Librarian
“It’s great. It’s a clear, factually accurate critique of how the development of economics as a science has left the real world out of its equations and how that lack of depth has brought us to a critically unstable tipping point. . . . Regardless of your politics or level of understanding, this book will leave you knowing more about economics.”
—Zachary Johnson-Dunlop, Ad Astra Comix
“Makes clear what nary a textbook can: how closely intertwined social developments, technological progress and theory are.” (Google Translate modified by common sense)
—Moritz Honert, Der Tagesspiegel, October 2, 2013 (no link).
“A mighty achievement.” “Here is a book that in many respects eclipses university grade material yet is incredibly accessible. . . . Takes the whole format a step forward.”
—Moshe Reuveni, R-views
“Exciting from start to finish, fun, and exceptionally clear!”
—Gaël Virlouvet, Démocratie et Environment
“Makes mechanisms that can seem complex accessible to everyone.”
—Aurélien, Autogestion.
“An excellent historical overview.”
“A marvel!”
—Sofie Wiegand, Literaturen (German)
“It’s a thrilling read, something that probably isn’t often said about economics texts.”
—Rob Price, Gutbrain Records
“A total success!”
—Toutsurmonado (French)
“Goodwin simplifies without dumbing down . . . anyone who completes the book will understand how they’ve been screwed for years.”
–Frank Plowright, The Slings and Arrows Graphic Novel Guide
“Economix is essential in all libraries. To understand the economy is to control our destiny.”
—Eve, Carnets de Week-ends
“Educational and exciting.”
Sylvain Chardon, NPA
“To be read slowly, taking a lot of time. A book of public utility.”
—Jean-Sébastien Zippert, Erwuesse Bildung [French via Google Translate and high school]
“In my eyes it should be a tool in adult education compulsory!”
—Magnus Michaelsen, (via Google Translate)
“A great work.”
—Pavel Mandys, iLiteratura (Czech, Google Translate. Also one of their best books of 2014!)
“Economix has not become a bestseller for nothing.”
—Jos van Waterschoot, Stripschap (Dutch)
“A masterpiece!”
—Glocalpress (Italian, via Google Translate)
“We act as a radish actor with everything we do. That is the substance of the economy.”
—Flier (Google Translate from Japanese. There was also some comprehensible praise there, but I liked this better).
“This isn’t economics for dummies. It’s economics for smart people.”
—Amr Bakry, (He says he’s quoting me, but I never said it. I like it, though)
“It’s great when someone comes along and writes a primer on economics that is both highly informative and easily accessible. Dan Burr and Michael Goodwin did that here, and they did it in comic form. Heck yes.”
—David Anderson, Spandexless
“Tremendously successful” (also their #1 book about the markets)
—Les Nouveaux Investisseurs
“A great reference.”
—Andrés Leonardo Martinez Ortiz,
“This is a must read!”
—Matthew, Comicsand
“Economix with humor presents theories of economics and economies.”
—Lukáš Růžička, Komiksarium (Google Translate)
“[A] comprehensive and entertaining source of information about the history of economics.”
—Jan Samoheji, Komiksarium (Google Translate)
“[A]mazing. . . . A good and not at all boring guide that can help the average person, not an economist, to understand and reflect on the current economic reality.”
—La Impresionista (Google Translate from Greek, despite the name)
“Clear and instructive, with humor as a bonus, Economix is indispensable in all libraries.”
—Rendez-vous de l’Histoire
“Exciting, educational, and playful.”
—FNAC (French)
“An innovative introduction to the world of economics.”
—Victoria Haykin, Polemics
“Argue with it, learn from it, laugh with it, but don’t sell it short. Economix explains the economy better than anything else I’ve seen.”
—Bob’s Bayou
“As credible and educational as any book of its kind.”
—Olivier Van Vaerenbergh, Focus
“This book rigorously traces . . . [t]he different economic theories developed over the years, their flaws, their successes and limitations, the various crises, their causes and the solutions … and it’s exciting.”
—Stefan, BDGest
“It is not an ordinary book.”
—Hatena Diary
—Lars Markthaler, Der Tip
“Highly enjoyable education.”
—Nicholas Hoening,
“Truly enjoyable to read.”
—Jean Chuck Rien, Omiplace
“Who can explain, simply and directly, the causes of all the economic crises of our society, without getting bogged down in diagrams and headache-inducing graphs? Economix does it brilliantly.”
—Didier Princi, Gouts et Passions
“A very good overview. Highly recommended!”
—Tilmanomics [German, via Google Translate]
“Economix is indispensable in all libraries: Understanding economics means mastering our destiny.”
—André Maccabée, Boomers (Québec)
“The book presents multiple economic theories clearly and with a flair that is hard to describe but which will thrill all but the most dry-textbook-loving reader. It is a comic that is also a better textbook than most I have read. . . . If you only read one book on the economy, read this one. Yeah, I’m recommending it that strongly.”
—Matthew Helmke,
“100%! Economix is a great book that is not only informative and damn that will help you understand.”
—Martin Stefko, Comics-Blog (translated from Czech by Google Translate)
“Michael Goodwin and Dan E. Burr took 304 pages to make the economy accessible to all. . . . Excellent work.”
—Timothy, Mon Prochain Livre
“I imagined reading this would be the literary equivalent of steamed broccoli… good for me, but a struggle to get through the whole plate. But I was amazed to find out that it was more like broccoli with cheese sauce. It was delicious, and I ate it really fast.”
—Renata, NAFCTeens
“Informative and engrossing.”
—Itho, Nothing but Comics
“Economix is really a book to read. Really.”
“I highly recommend this property Comic anyone who is interested in economic ideas and history and you will if I read the comic deliver, even a small look-up to.”
—Der Comicer (Yep, Google Translate again.)
“Economix has joined the likes of Understanding Comics and The Influencing Machine on my mental list of all-time best graphic non-fiction. . . . It’s a book that simultaneously taught me a lot and made me realize that I knew a bit more than I gave myself credit for.”
—Ana S.,
“If you have any interest in economics, politics or just want to read I recommend you pick up this book. Don’t be mad at me if you can’t put it down.”
—Justin, Bubblews
“The book is one that you will likely want to re-read.”
—Paul Meagher, Illinois Investment Network
“A comics gem that I can’t recommend highly enough.”
—Zeb, Sansfarine
“Extraordinary . . . transforms the “dismal science” of economics in an amusing history accessible to all.”
—CCI Sud Alsace
“In addition to an unstoppable talent for storytelling, Goodwin shows insight in his interpretation of history.”
—Stéphane Plante, Jobboom
—Le Web Pedagogique
—Les BD serieuses
—Ingénieur Cadre
“Economics is a daunting subject . . . if you’ve been intimidated by it in the past, or if you’re just not sure you want to wade through a slog of dry textbooks on the subject, Economix is a fine choice for getting yourself acquainted with the topic.”
—Kleefeld on Comics
“In addition to being an excellent introduction to economics, it’s ideal for understanding the economic context we live in.”
—Le Tigre de Feu
” (I think that’s good)
—Annas Buecher Stapel
“The book is a true look at the economic history which also serves to learn economics in a fun way. Who said economics was boring?”
—Seguros de tú a tú (Spanish, from Google Translate)
“A must-have and must-read.”
—Première Es Jouvet
“After reading Economix it’s impossible to see some political events in the same way.”
—”Hijo de Chuck Norris,” Multiversos
“Essential reading for understanding today’s world.”
—Doc Fusion, What’s Up Doc
“Economix is a great introduction to the real political-economic world.”
Wise Monkey, Groovy Coconut
“Economic history popularized in an easily approachable medium.”
—Les Petits Pensées
“A good way to put your nose into an extremely complex science”
—Vert, Nevertwhere
“It’s fun, it’s clever, and it’s a better primer on the dismal science than most of the ECON one-oh-whatever books in our history, business, and current affairs departments.”
—Josh Christie, Brews and Books.
“Read this!”
—Matthieu Cornu, Ranatoad
“Good lord, read it!”
—Jacques Hertault, Propositions Audacieuses