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Economix explains

Economix: How and Why Our Economy Works (and Doesn't Work), in Words and PicturesWhat is Economix?

Economix is a graphic novel by Michael Goodwin, illustrated by Dan E. Burr, that explains the economy. More than a cartoon version of a textbook, Economix gives the whole story of the economy, from the rise of capitalism to Occupy Wall Street. Economix is published by Abrams Comic Arts.

Praise for Economix

“I just cannot stress enough how amazing this book is.”
–James Floyd Kelly, Wired.com

“It’s simply phenomenal.”
— David Bach, author of Debt Free for Life and The Automatic Millionaire

“Goodwin has done the seemingly impossible–he has made economics comprehensible and funny.”
— Joel Bakan, author of The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power

“An amazing lesson in true-world economics! Delightfully presented, powerful, insightful, and important information. What a fun way to fathom a deep and often dark subject”
— John Perkins, author of Hoodwinked and the New York Times bestseller Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Economix is a lively, cheerfully opinionated romp through the historical and intellectual foundations of our current economy and our current economic problems. Goodwin has a knack for distilling complex ideas and events in ways that invite the reader to follow the big picture without losing track of what actually happened. Any reader wondering how our economy got to where it is today will find this a refreshing overview.”
— Timothy W. Guinnane, Philip Golden Bartlett Professor of Economic History, Yale University

More praise for Economix

Author’s Blog

Writing comics about the economy is not the road to immoderate wealth that one might suppose, which is why I have a day job writing about medicine. So when I started reading about how vitamin D can help with COVID-19, I wound up making this:

(This was made in early 2021; now it’s late 2021, and it holds up pretty well. This meta-analysis [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8557713/pdf/12937_2021_Article_744.pdf] says that there’s no statistical effect, but it includes four sub-analyses, each of which are right on the statistical line–clearly there is an effect, and they just happened to cut the data in a way that juuuuust failed to show it four times. Also, that study confuses odds ratio and relative risk, so I’m not sold on their statistical chops.)

I just updated the piece on the stock market–the new pages start at page 14. You can find them at economixcomix.com/home/stockmarket. Per a reader’s suggestion, I’m also putting them below:

So, this isn’t quite the most urgent thing going on right now, but you may be wondering why the stock market seems so divorced from the real economy these days. I wrote a piece (in progress) here: https://economixcomix.com/home/stockmarket/

So I’m writing a piece on global warming, and how bad mainstream economics is at evaluating it. It’s taking a while (everything I write does), but Part 1 is here: https://economixcomix.com/home/warming/

Okay, so I let this website languish for a while. I was busy with various things, one of which was a brand-spanking-new epilogue for a new German edition. It’s below!

It’s copyright by me. The illustrations are by Dan E. Burr, and the lettering is by Debra Freiberg.

Economix Epilogue 2018 1 small
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